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Today my friend came to visit me and we went to the Mid-Autumn Festival Special Buffet at Su Tao Cafe. Su Tao is a vegan Chinese restaurant in Malvern, PA, about 12 minutes from where I live. They have a regular buffet every day, $9.95 for lunch and $12.95 for dinner. For holidays, they have Special Buffet, $20 a pop, featuring many fancier dishes in addition to their usual fare, and ice cream is included in the meal (normally you pay extra for ice cream).
I did not get any photos, because I was too busy paying attention to my friend and my food, and by the time we'd finished eating, most of the food was all gone. But you don't need to see pictures of it to know that it was AMAZING. Here are some of the things I ate:
garlicky sauteed bok choy
deep fried daikon puffs
gingery-garlic raw kale salad
golden eggplant triangles
giant puff dumplings with seitan and veggies inside
zucchini pancakes
spicy lemon "chicken"
crunchy shiitake mushrooms in sesame sauce
For dessert, we shared a dish each of butter pecan and cream'n'cookies ice cream, though we had to do some serious negotiating with our bodies to find room for any more food. My friend and I have both been vegans a long time, so perhaps we have evolved extra stomachs ;-)
I eat here pretty often, so next time I'll try to remember to get some photos!
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